
Revolutionizing Value-Added Distribution Businesses: Enhancing Value Through Consolidation


It’s becoming crucial for smaller companies in distribution with heavy service components to team up with larger groups. This is especially true for those facing the growing expectations of customers and dealing with more complex operations. This article dives into how consolidation creates unprecedented value for the customers. We’ll focus on key factors like improving sales, smart procurement, efficient logistics and creating more sales opportunities. These factors play a vital role in meeting the rising demands of customers and handling the increased complexities of day-to-day operations, making integration and collaboration initiatives successful.

In distribution, where service quality is paramount, small-cap integration strategies take on a specialised dimension. The focus extends beyond traditional synergies to encompass the elevation of service standards and market positioning. As Managing Partner Fabian Kroeher of Winterberg Group AG notes, „In distribution, value creation is not just about scale; it’s about creating a seamless customer experience and unlocking the potential for cross-sales.

I. Sales Excellence: Professionalizing Sales People and Processes

In the realm of sales excellence, leveraging the benefits of integrating smaller entities into a larger group extends beyond efficiency gains. One notable advantage is the heightened attractiveness for sales personnel. As smaller companies join a larger group, the collective strength and resources make the employer more appealing, attracting top-tier sales talent.

Moreover, the integration allows for a more strategic allocation of sales staff. By dividing them into product specialists, each focused on specific offerings, the team becomes more knowledgeable about the products they represent. This specialisation not only enhances the quality of customer interactions but also enables the sales force to provide tailored solutions, showcasing an unprecedented level of expertise in the marketplace. As Fabian Kroeher emphasizes, „Being able to attract top sales talent and having specialists who truly understand the intricacies of our products are integral to delivering a superior customer experience.

II. Procurement Excellence: Sourcing the Best Products Worldwide

A key benefit of operating under a larger entity lies in moving beyond opportunistic product-sourcing approaches and having dedicated personnel focused on identifying and securing the best products. This strategic shift ensures that procurement activities are driven by a more systematic and targeted approach, opening up increased opportunities in the global marketplace.

Additionally, a critical element of this procurement capability is the ability to tackle logistical and regulatory challenges. An integrated group, with its consolidated resources, can navigate complex regulatory landscapes more effectively, ensuring a smoother and more compliant import process.

From a manufacturer’s perspective, collaborations with such integrated groups become more attractive. Dealing with a leading business in a foreign country, rather than managing relationships with multiple small-sized businesses, offers manufacturers a streamlined and efficient partnership.

III. Professional Logistics and Fulfillment

Within the domain of professional logistics and fulfillment, the benefits of integrating smaller entities into a larger group become particularly evident in the creation of unparalleled service levels for end-customers. A pivotal aspect of this enhanced service is the establishment of swift in-house delivery capabilities, which come at no additional cost for the customers.

This achievement is uniquely made possible due to the scale of the integrated business. The larger size enables more efficient routing, allowing for streamlined logistics operations. Consequently, the optimized use of routes contributes to quicker deliveries and, importantly, allows for the absorption of delivery costs without imposing an extra burden on the customers.

IV. Cross-Sales Potential

Cross-sales potential emerges as a distinctive value lever in distribution businesses with value-added services embracing the benefits of integration into a larger group. By integrating companies with complementary product lines or service offerings, the consolidated entity can unlock cross-selling opportunities. This not only expands revenue streams but also reinforces the value proposition for customers.

Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

While the outlined levers contribute to value creation, challenges persist. Managing the transition from diverse sales cultures, aligning procurement processes and integrating logistics networks require careful planning. Fabian Kroeher advises, „The key is a phased approach. Communicate transparently, and build a collaborative culture that values the unique strengths each integrated entity brings.


In the realm of distribution businesses with a high service component, embracing the benefits of integration into a larger group offers a tailored approach to value creation. By emphasizing sales excellence, procurement efficiency, professional logistics and fulfillment, and cross-sales potential, companies can not only achieve economies of scale but also elevate their service standards and market position. As Managing Partner Fabian Kroeher rightly notes, „In distribution, it’s about more than just the numbers; it’s about creating a holistic customer experience that resonates and ensures sustainable growth, also in the B2B space.